1. School 2009, Moscow
2. Moscow Pedagogical State University
The article describes the results of the study of methodological approaches to teaching programming in primary school using the Kodu Game Lab environment. Existing trends in teaching programming are described, as well as the connection of training with the development of computational thinking and the formation of “new literacy”. Seven methodological aspects of using the Kodu Game Lab are highlighted (quick entry of students into the topic; mastering the method of action instead of remembering the sequence of actions; mastering the method of action instead of listing; differentiation of results in the implementation of formalized tasks; implementation of project activity as part of the lesson; conducting research on the patterns of the virtual environment; development of teamwork skills on a digital project) and examples of the implementation of each of them are provided. The lack of sufficient statistical support for the analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed approaches has been taken into account, accordingly, further research paths have been formulated. There are also arguments in favor of using the stated methodological approaches.
Publishing House Education and Informatics
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3 articles.