Outpatient management of patients with peripheral artery disease by cardiologists or surgeons: influence on the prognosis and prevalence of surgical interventions


Sumin A. N.1ORCID,Medvedeva Yu. D.1ORCID,Shcheglova A. V.1ORCID,Ivanov S. V.1ORCID,Barbarash L. S.1ORCID


1. Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases”


Highlights. The study shows for the first time that during the three-year follow-up of patients with diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities in the observation groups of a general surgeon and a cardiologist, adverse events (myocardial infarction, stroke, amputation, disability) and deaths occurred more often in a surgeon than a cardiologist. The study proves the correctness and real benefit of such an approach with the involvement of a cardiologist to the outpatient stage of management of a complex cohort of patients with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.Aim. To study the effect the outpatient observation of patients with peripheral arteries disease (PAD) by cardiologists and surgeons has on timing and prevalence of reconstructive surgery and the prognosis of patients. Methods We analyzed the data on 585 PAD patients who underwent outpatient observation from 2010 to 2017, dividing them into 2 groups. The first group (131 patients) managed by an surgeon; the second (454 patients) managed by a cardiologist. Since the groups were not comparable in terms of the initial parameters, the comparability of patients in the groups (observation by a surgeon or by a cardiologist) was achieved using pseudorandomization. The follow-up period was three years; we assessed the incidence of deaths, adverse events, and the prevalence of reconstructive operations.Results. During a three-year follow-up the 1st group, compared with the 2nd, had more deaths in general (p<0.001), death from cardiac causes (p = 0.045), from stroke (p><0.001), as well as the total number of adverse events (p><0.001) and disability (p = 0.065). Indications for reconstructive surgery on the lower extremities arteries (LEA), and operations frequency were comparatible in groups. Amputation history, taking diuretics, presence of rhythm disturbances, and management by a surgeon increased the risk of adverse outcomes. Management by a cardiologist, reconstructive LEA surgeries, female sex improved the prognosis of patients. Conclusion Observation of PAD patients by a cardiologist contributes to a higher frequency of optimal drug therapy by patients and can reduce the number of adverse events in patients and improve their survival without affecting the timing and frequency of reconstructive LEA surgeries. Keywords Peripheral atherosclerosis • Outpatient follow-up • Optimal drug therapy • Reconstructive surgery>˂ 0.001), death from cardiac causes (p = 0.045), from stroke (p˂ 0.001), as well as the total number of adverse events (p˂ 0.001) and disability (p = 0.065). Indications for reconstructive surgery on the lower extremities arteries (LEA), and operations frequency were comparatible in groups. Amputation history, taking diuretics, presence of rhythm disturbances, and management by a surgeon increased the risk of adverse outcomes. Management by a cardiologist, reconstructive LEA surgeries, female sex improved the prognosis of patients.Conclusion. Observation of PAD patients by a cardiologist contributes to a higher frequency of optimal drug therapy by patients and can reduce the number of adverse events in patients and improve their survival without affecting the timing and frequency of reconstructive LEA surgeries.




Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine,Rehabilitation,Emergency Medicine,Surgery

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