1. The Institute of Internal and Preventive Medicine – a branch of a Federal Publicly Funded Institution «Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
Highlights The main ECG parameters associated with cardiovascular mortality in metabolic cardiomyopathy are P-wave changes, QT prolongation, ECG signs of left ventricular hypertrophy, depression and ST segment elevation, T-wave changes. These simple ECG markers are valuable signs of an unfavorable prognosis in patients with myocardial metabolic disorders. AbstractCardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death globally, one of the initial manifestations of these diseases are metabolic changes in the myocardium. Risk stratification in a young population makes would make it possible to timely identify such conditions and prevent their development, as well as their further progression. Electrocardiography is an effective, reliable, accessible and inexpensive method used in clinical practice and research. The aim of this article was to review electrocardiographic (ECG) features associated with manifestations of myocardial metabolic disorders, the mechanisms underlying these associations, and to briefly describe the main research findings in this area and consider the implications for clinical practice. The material and methods were literature sources analyzing metabolic changes in the myocardium and their electrophysiological manifestations, the following databases were used to search for relevant articles:,, The results of the analysis showed that the main changes in ECG parameters associated with cardiovascular mortality in metabolic cardiomyopathy are P-wave changes, QT prolongation, ECG signs of left ventricular hypertrophy, depression and ST segment elevation, T-wave changes. Thus, simple ECGs-markers remain valuable indicators of an adverse prognosis for patients with metabolic disorders of the myocardium.