Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku dan keputusan konsumen dalam membeli kentang, bawang merah, dan cabai merah. Penelitian survai dilaksanakan di tiga kota besar konsumen utama sayuran, yaitu Jakarta (DKI Jaya), Bandung (Jawa Barat), dan Padang (Sumatera Barat) pada bulan April sampai dengan Juni 2007. Responden konsumen ialah 462 pengambil keputusan pembelian sayuran yang dipilih secara acak. Alat analisis yang digunakan ialah statistika deskriptif, analisis faktor, dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara berturut-turut 93,1 dan 80,7% responden menggunakan bawang merah dan cabai merah hampir setiap hari, sedangkan untuk komoditas kentang, 67,1% responden menyatakan mengonsumsinya 1-2 kali seminggu. Pasar tradisional merupakan pilihan terpopuler tempat pembelian sayuran, kemudian diikuti oleh supermarket, pedagang keliling, dan toko/warung. Komoditas yang menurut responden tren konsumsinya dapat meningkat antara 25-75% dalam 5 tahun ke depan secara berturut-turut ialah: kentang, bawang merah, dan cabai merah. Kentang dikategorikan ke dalam kelompok question marks karena secara relatif memiliki tren pertumbuhan tinggi dan penetrasi pasar rendah. Komoditas ini membutuhkan dukungan kapital tinggi (net cash absorber) untuk mempertahankan posisi pasarnya. Bawang merah dan cabai merah tergolong ke dalam kategori cash cows. Kedua komoditas ini berada di dalam pasar yang cenderung sudah mantap, sehingga dapat dikategorikan sebagai komoditas net cash generator. Keputusan pembelian kentang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor properti produk 1 (tidak ada tanda busuk, nilai gizi, kesegaran, dan minimal residu pestisida), properti produk 2 (aroma, warna daging, dan harga), sikap konsumen (komponen afektif, kognitif, dan konatif), situasi konsumen (pengetahuan harga, pengetahuan cara pengolahan, dan persepsi kualitas), serta indikator sosial ekonomi (jumlah anggota keluarga dan pengeluaran total per bulan). Keputusan pembelian bawang merah dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor properti produk 2 (minimal residu pestisida, tidak ada tanda busuk, kesegaran, dan penampakan visual), situasi konsumen (pengetahuan harga, pengetahuan cara pengolahan, dan persepsi kualitas), serta indikator sosial ekonomi (jumlah anggota keluarga dan pengeluaran total per bulan). Keputusan pembelian cabai merah dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor properti produk (warna, tidak ada tanda busuk, harga, minimal residu pestisida, dan kesegaran), sikap konsumen (komponen afektif, kognitif, dan konatif), serta persepsi kualitas produk.<br /><br /><br /><br />This study was aimed to identify factors affecting consumer behavior and purchasing decision on potatoes, shallots, and hot peppers. Consumer surveys were carried out in three big cities in Indonesia (Jakarta-DKI Jaya, Bandung-West Java, and Padang-West Sumatera) from April to June 2007. Respondents of these surveys were 462 vegetable purchasing decision makers who were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis, were used for data elaboration. Results showed that 93.1 and 80.7% of respondents consume shallots and hot peppers almost everyday. Meanwhile, 67.1% of respondents consume potatoes once or twice a week. Traditional market is still the most frequently chosen place to buy vegetables, and then followed by supermarket, small vendor, and small grocery store. Crops perceived by consumers will have 25-75% increasing consumption trend in the next 5 years are consecutively potatoes, shallots, and hot peppers. Potatoes were in the question marks category given their strong growth trend and relatively low market penetration. Potatoes require large amounts of cash (net cash absorber) to sustain their position in the market and to maintain the momentum of market growth. Shallots and hot peppers were in the cash cow category given their high market shares in low growth markets. These crops were in a mature market that requires lower cash hence they tend to be net cash generators. Factors affecting potato purchase are product property 1 (no blemishes, nutrition value, freshness, and minimum pesticide residue); product property-2 (aroma, flesh color, and price), consumer attitude (affective, cognitive, and conative), consumer situation (price knowledge, processing knowledge, and quality perception), and socio-economic indicators (number of family members and total monthly expenditure). Shallots purchase decision was influenced by some factors, such as product property 2 (minimum pesticide residue, no blemishes, freshness, and visual appearance), consumer situation (price knowledge, processing knowledge, and quality perception), and socio-economic indicators (number of family members and total monthly expenditure). The decision to purchase hot peppers was affected by factors, such as product properties (color, no blemishes, price, minimum pesticide residue, and freshness), consumer attitude (affective, cognitive, and conative), and product quality perception.
Indonesian Agency For Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD)