


ABSTRAK<br />Limbah sagu di samping dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber bahan<br />organik juga potensial digunakan sebagai amelioran dan herbisida nabati.<br />Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh limbah sagu dan cara<br />penyiangan gulma terhadap populasi gulma dan pertumbuhan lada<br />perdu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan (KP) Institut Pertanian<br />Bogor (IPB) dan Laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan<br />Aromatik Balittro) dari bulan Mei 2003 sampai April 2004. Penelitian<br />menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi yang disusun secara faktorial. Cara<br />penyiangan gulma (S) sebagai petak utama dan komposisi limbah sagu<br />(L) sebagai anak petak. Susunan perlakuan sebagai berikut: S 1  =<br />penyiangan bersih dan S 2 = penyiangan terbatas. Komposisi limbah<br />sagu terdiri dari L 0 = tanpa bahan organik; L 1 = 100% limbah sagu, L 2<br />= 100% limbah sagu, dekomposisi 1 bulan, L 3 = 100% limbah sagu<br />dekomposisi 2 bulan; L 4 = 75% limbah sagu + 25% kompos; L 5  = 75%<br />limbah sagu + 25% kompos, dekomposisi 1 bulan; L 6 = 75% limbah<br />sagu + 25% kompos, dekomposisi 2 bulan; L 7 = 50% limbah sagu +<br />50% kompos; L 8 = 50% limbah sagu + 50% kompos, dekomposisi 1<br />bulan; L 9 = 50% limbah sagu + 50% kompos, dekomposisi 2 bulan;<br />L 10 = 25% limbah sagu + 75% kompos; L 11 = 25% limbah sagu + 75%<br />kompos, dekomposisi 1 bulan; dan L 12 = 25% limbah sagu + 75%<br />kompos, dekomposisi 2 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa<br />kandungan limbah sagu 75% limbah sagu + 25% kompos dekomposisi<br />2 bulan meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas lada perdu.<br />Limbah sagu dengan 100% dalam bentuk segar dan dekomposisi<br />sampai 2 bulan efektif dalam menekan populasi gulma.<br />Kata kunci: Limbah sagu, gulma, lada perdu<br />ABSTRACT<br />The use of sago palm waste in controlling weed on<br />dwarf pepper<br />Sago palm waste can be used as a source of organic matter;<br />in addition, it can also be used as ameliorant and natural<br />herbicide. The objective of the research was to find out the<br />effect of sago palm waste and weeding method on the growth of<br />dwarf pepper and weed population. The research was conducted<br />at the experimental garden of the Bogor Agriculture Institute and<br />the Indonesian Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Research Institute<br />from May 2003 to April 2004. The research was arranged<br />factorially in split-plot design. The main plot was weeding<br />methods (S) and a composition of sago palm waste (L) as the sub<br />plot. The treatments were as follows: S 1 = clean weeding and S 2<br />= limited weeding. The composition of sago waste were Lo =<br />non organic matter; L 1 = 100% sago waste; L 2 = 100% sago<br />waste of one month decomposition; L 3 = 100% sago waste of two<br />months decomposition ; L 4 = 75% sago waste + 25% compost; L 5<br />= 75% sago waste + 25% compost of one month decomposition;<br />L 6 = 75% sago waste + 25% compost of two months<br />decomposition; L 7 = 50% sago waste + 50% compost; L 8 = 50%<br />sago waste 50% compost of one month decomposition; L 9 = 50%<br />sago waste + 50% compost of 2 months decomposition; L 10 =<br />25% sago waste + 75% compost’ L 11 = 25% sago waste + 75%<br />compost of one month decomposition; and L 12 = 25% sago waste<br />+ 75% compost of two months decomposition. The result showed<br />that the composition of 75% sago waste + 25% compost of two<br />months decomposition increase the growth and productivity of<br />dwarf pepper. The fresh (75 - 100%) sago palm waste of one<br />month  decomposition  was  effective  in  decreasing  weed<br />population.<br />Key words : Sago palm waste, weed, bushy black pepper


Indonesian Agency For Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD)


General Medicine

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2. Rice Waste Hydrolyzation at Subcritical Temperature to Produce Bioherbicide to Control Terrestrial Weeds;IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;2022-01-01







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