Položaj žene u francuskom Krivičnom zakoniku od 1810. godine


Marinković Milica1


1. University of Kragujevac Faculty of Law


In this paper the author analyses the legal position of women in the French Penal Code of 1810 (Code pénal de 1810). Although the propositions of the Civil code of 1804 are key to determining the legal position of a woman in XIX century French law, we cannot disregard the propositions given by criminal law. By analysing legal sources as well as literature, both XIX century and current, the author gives an overview of the legal position of a woman as a victim, culprit and accomplice in the French Penal Code of 1810. This Code was written in a pronouncedly patriarchal tone, which is manifested in numerous legal propositions that seem outdated and very unjust from a contemporary perspective. Still, the Penal Code of 1810 echoed greatly in legal systems of XIX century Europe, which signifies that it corresponded to the spirit of the times.


University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Publications)

Reference44 articles.

1. Code pénal de l’empire français. Edition conforme à celle de l’imprimerie impériale, Paris 1810.

2. Code pénal, édition conforme à l’édition originale du Bulletin des lois, précedé de l’éxposé des motifs par les orateurs du Conseil d’Etat sur chacune des lois qui composent ce Code, avec une table alphabetique de matières, Imprimerie de A. Beltin, Paris 1812.

3. Code civil des français: éd. originale et seule officielle, Paris 1804.

4. Loi. Code Pénal. Donnée à Paris le 6 octobre 1791, Paris 1790.

5. Ordonnance de Louis XIV. Roy de France et de Navarre. Donnée à Saint Germain en Laye au mois d’aoust 1670. Pour les matières criminelles, Paris 1670.








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