Issues of Eurasian Industrial Cooperation in the Context of Balancing National Interests


Kusainov Kh. K.1ORCID,Zhumabekova S. A.2



2. Kazakhstan Industry and Export Center “QazIndustry”


In the successful development of integration processes, a key role is assigned to the policy of ensuring cooperation of industrial complexes of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU, Union). At the same time, an analysis of the implementation of measures in the Main Areas of Industrial Cooperation (MAIC) within the EAEU and, in general, the results of the first five-year plan (2015–2019) shows that not all the tasks set were fully and at the proper level. This trend can also be traced at the current stage of the implementation of the current MAIC program for the second five-year period (2020–2024).In this regard, the article examines problematic issues related to the insufficient pace of development of industrial cooperation processes in the Union.Based on the analysis of the development of industrial cooperation processes, to reveal the nuances associated with the imperfection of mechanisms and tools to ensure the balance of common and national interests, with inconsistency in compliance with the initially declared integration agenda.A constructive analysis of these problematic aspects in the context of comparison with the experience of industrial cooperation of the world’s leading associations of countries allows us to identify several proposals in the areas of necessary expediency: 1) the real formation of value-added chains (VAC) for the joint production of goods of the Union; 2) compliance with the principles of mutually beneficial parity in production and financial relations for economic entities (enterprises) of the member States of the Union participating in the formation and development of VACs; ensuring equal competitiveness of cooperative enterprises in the national and common market of the Union; exclusion of artificial barriers to trade between the member States of the Union; 3) improving the methodological approach to improving the effectiveness of program measures in the field of interstate industrial cooperation based on the possible application of the well-known optimization inter-sectoral interregional model (ISIM).


Novosibirsk State University (NSU)







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