Hardware and Software of the Booster Nuclotron Channel Control System of the NIKA Complex


Shchegolkov N. S.1,Pavlenko A. V.1,Zhuravlev A. N.1,Krylov A. A.1,Morsin A. A.1,Senkov D. V.1,Zharikov А. A.1


1. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS


At the BINP, the development, production and launch at JINR of a system for transferring a beam from the Booster to the Nuclotron of the NIKA complex was completed. The article discusses the equipment of monitoring and control subsystems, as well as describes the principles and composition of a software package based on the TANGO platform, designed to perform engineering manipulations with individual elements and suitable for work during acceleration sessions.


Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

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