Alimentary Problems in Philosophy: Key aspects of Thematization


Kudryashov I. S.1ORCID


1. Novosibirsk State University; Novosibirsk State Medical University


The article introduces the idea of alimentary problems into philosophical consideration. Highlighting this range of problems seems to be a solution not only to the lack of philosophical developments on the topic of food and nutrition, but also to overcoming prejudices and stereotypes that philosophy studies of food are not sufficiently theoretical. Alimentary problems in philosophy are proposed to be understood as formed by a wide range of ontological, anthropological, cultural, ethical and social philosophy issues, namely food consumption in all its aspects, its production, including cooking and storage, and ways of representing these topics in discourse. As an important guideline for the development of such research, the article offers a detailed explication of four thematic fields of alimentary issues relating to the history of philosophy, ontology, analysis of the language of theories, anthropology, ethics, social philosophy and futurology. In our opinion, if we carry out such a generalization (“alimentary problems”), then in the end we will get a clearer idea of the new class of objects under study and will be able to identify its operational or even essential features. Which, in turn, will become a new stimulus for the development of research in this area.


Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

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