Comparative Analysis of the Promotional Discourse in the Beauty Industry by Domestic and Foreign Bloggers


Kirillova E. A.1ORCID


1. Baikal State University


   The relevance of the study lies in the fact that Internet discourse plays an important guiding role in the functioning of modern society as a cognitive system, since the audience of bloggers can reach millions of people.   The blogosphere has been actively developing for more than 30 years; in the modern world, a blogger is a profession. The main function of a blog is commercial, the essence of which is to increase the income of bloggers through the sale of products in the Internet environment. Promotional discourse includes various suggestive mechanisms of influence that make it possible to sell products more effectively.   The purpose of the study is to identify the features of promoting discourse fragments by domestic and foreign bloggers in the beauty industry.   The empirical material of the study is 120 posts from bloggers on social networks.   The object is the Internet environment, the subject is the specificity of the Internet discourse by domestic and foreign bloggers in the beauty industry.   Research methods are: content analysis, cognitive interpretation method, comparative analysis. From the results obtained, it becomes clear that to create promoting discourse, bloggers use: a one-sided question-and-answer form of presentation, catchy headlines, literary tropes, graphic manipulation, anglicisms, numerals, appeals to authorities, references to scientific statistical data and other mechanisms of influence. It has been confirmed that Internet discourse is characterized by creolization and hypertextuality. The results of the study also suggest that the blogger promoting discourse in the beauty sphere in different countries has its own characteristics depending on the specifics of the country’s native language, mentality, beauty canons, national values, advertising market, international relations, and the attitude to scientific achievements. The identified environmental factors make it possible to maintain communication between the sender (blogger) and the addressee (Internet audience), and to create favorable conditions for promoting products in the Internet environment.


Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

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