1. Beard C. A. Office of Justice of Peace in England in its Origin and Development. New York, Columbia Uni. Press, 1904, 184 p.
2. Beltser A. A. “Slugi dlya vsekh del”: Korona i mirovye sud’i v tyudorovskoi Anglii [“Servants for All Cases”: The Crown and Justices of the Peace in Tudor England: Textbook Manual for a Special Course]. Samara, Samara State Pedagogical Uni. Press, 2007, 136 p. (in Russ.)
3. Boynton L. The Elizabethan Militia, 1558–1638. Toronto, Toronto Press, 1967, 334 p.
4. Cruickshank G. C. Elizabeth’s Army. 2nd ed. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1966, 316 p.
5. Dalton M. The Country Justice: Containing the Practice, Duty and Power of the Justices of the Peace, as well in as out of their Sessions. London, Savoy, 1746, 654 p. URL: https://archive.org/details/countryjusticeco00dalt/page/494/mode/2up (accessed: 20.11.2021).