Сause and Random Causation (on French Data)


Kordi E. E.1


1. The Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


This article addresses the semantic similarities and differences between causative constructions (CiveC) and causal constructions (CsalC) in French, with its findings probably relevant for typology studies as well. A contrastive syntactic and semantic analysis of the two construction types shows that while syntactically different, they are similar semantically in that both express cause vs. consequence relations. This similarity is not, however, complete. French has three types of CiveCs: factitive constructions with the auxiliary faire, permissives with the auxiliary laisser, and constructions with notional causative verbs. Causal constructions exist in two types – multiclause constructions, and nominal constructions. Revealing the ability of CiveCs and CsalCs to undergo mutual synonymic transformations, the article concludes that the similarities/differences of their grammatical meanings depend on the randomness/non-randomness of the causation (cause). Random causation takes place in agency situations with active agents. Non-random causation emerges where one event generates/impacts the other one. The conclusions are the following: 1) the factitive construction faire + Inf. can express two grammatical meanings: a) cause, b) random causation/active purposive action; 2) permissive constructions normally express random causation, except for constructions with inanimate subjects; 3) notional causative verbs can express both meanings above; 4) causal, both nominal and multiclause, constructions never express random causation, invariably signaling cause.


Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

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