Adzhikova Altynay,Kancerov Rashid,Shkol'nikova Nina
Abstract. The purpose of the work is the identification of the importance of state support for the development of agriculture in regions with agricultural specialization of the economy in the framework of improving food security. Methods. Methods of comparative analysis (including the rating evaluation method), structural analysis, statistical analysis, systematization, generalization, analogy, comparison were used. Results. Using a number of indicators, the role of the agricultural sector in the economy of a particular region of the North Caucasus Federal District is shown, including a sample of the most severe. The necessity of conducting a regular assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the activities of each subprogram as a structural element of the state program for the development of agriculture in the region is substantiated. To demonstrate the effectiveness, the most significant activities implemented in 2020 within each subprogram are selected and presented. The priorities of the state policy in the agrarian sphere of the regional economy are highlighted. Attention is focused on the key areas of development of crop production and animal husbandry of the agricultural sector of the region's economy. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the special relevance of state support for regions with an agrarian profile of the economy in connection with the real possibility of increasing the economic efficiency of the use of allocated resources in order to ensure sustainable growth of the agricultural sector of the region.
Urals State Agrarian University
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