Nitrogen fertilizers efficiency in the cultivation of winter wheat sown after sunflower


Popov Aleksey1,Suharev Aleksandr1,Ovsyannikova Galina1,Kravchenko Nina1


1. Agrarnyy nauchnyy centr «Donskoy»


Abstract. The current paper has presented the results of applying various terms and types of nitrogen additional fertilizing in the cultivation of winter bread wheat. The purpose of the study was to establish the productivity and grain quality of winter bread wheat sown after sunflower, when using nitrogen additional fertilizing. Ammophos and ammonium sulfate were applied under seedbed cultivation; ammonium nitrate, urea and carbamide-ammonia mixture were used as additional fertilizing at different periods of active winter wheat vegetation. Methods. The research was conducted at the Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” in 2017–2019. When laying and conducting the experiment, taking into account the yield, generally accepted methods were used; the technology of winter wheat cultivation and the dose of nitrogen fertilizing corresponds to the Zonal farming systems of the Rostov region. Scientific novelty. For the first time there have been determined the best terms, methods and doses of nitrogen additional fertilizing with various types of fertilizers for winter bread wheat in the southern part of the Rostov region. Results. There was established a significant effect of the terms of nitrogen fertilizing on productivity, as well as on winter wheat quality. Portioned application of ammonium nitrate at a dose of N90 contributed to obtaining the maximum productivity of 6.15 t/ha in the trial, and productivity increase in comparison with the control variant was 2.34 t/ha or 61.4%. In other variants of the trial, productivity increase due to the use of nitrogen fertilizers ranged from 0.90 to 2.26 t/ha. Autumn application of ammonium sulfate at a dose of N30 under seedbed cultivation was an effective agricultural method that contributed to an additional productivity improvement on 0.55–0.64 t/ha. The high efficiency of nitrogen additional fertilizing was due to an improvement of the indicators of yield structure elements, namely, ‘kernel weight per head’ and ‘number of productive stems’. Nitrogen additional fertilizing improved qualitative characteristics of the product. There has been found out that under a portioned application of ammonium nitrate at a dose of N90, there were yielded the highest economic indicators, such as 30117 rubles/ha of conditional net income and 112.9 % of production profitability.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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