Estimation of productivity of the Sudan grass varieties of different groups of maturity


Kovtunova Natal'ya1,Kovtunov Vladimir1,Shishova Elena1


1. Agrarnyy nauchnyy centr «Donskoy»


Abstract. Each region of cultivation requires a set of varieties that are able to make the most out of natural resources. For North Caucasus of Russia, only 6 varieties are approved for cultivation, which are less than 20 years old. Therefore, the development of new Sudan grass varieties has always been an urgent issue for breeders. The variety is the main factor in improving productivity and grain or green mass production. One and the same variety under different cultivation conditions has different plant height, tilling capacity and leaf formation. The purpose of the current study was to determine productivity and adaptability of Sudan grass varieties of different groups of maturity and to identify highly productive ones for the south of Russia. Methods. The objects of the current study were the varieties of different groups of maturity. The study was carried out on the fields of the FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” in 2019–2021. The soil was an ordinary carbonate chernozem, with 3.6 % of humus in the arable layer. Soil preparation and cultivation activities were carried out in accordance with the agrotechnical recommendations for sorghum cultivation in the Rostov region. The variety adaptability was estimated by the method of L. A. Zhivotkov. Meteorological conditions during the years of study (2019–2021) were contrasting, which made it possible to estimate adaptability of the varieties. Results. There has been established that green mass productivity has a close positive correlation (r = 0.79) with the amount of precipitation and a mean negative correlation (r = –0.59) with the average air temperature. For 3 years of study the most early maturing varieties were at the similar level of 21–23 t/ha in total for two cuts. The variety Yaktik was identified as the most productive in the early maturing group with 31 t/ha. In the middle-early maturing group the variety Gratsiya produced 43 t/ha. In the middle maturing group, the varieties ST-90, Chernoplenchataya 10 and Alisa were the best ones with 43 t/ha, 42 t/ha 41 t/ha, respectively. The mean adaptability coefficient varied within 0.59-1.47. The varieties Gratsiya, ST-90 and Chernoplenchataya 10 have shown the best adaptability to cultivation conditions, being stable in their productivity through the years of study.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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