Study of global hops trade and determination of russia's role in the product turnover


Afanasyeva Olyesya,Ivanov Evgeniy1,Makushev Andrey2


1. Chuvash State Agrarian University

2. Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy


Abstract. The purpose of the work is the studies the world trade in hops and hop products in order to establish the structure of the main shipped products, to identify world market leaders by product type, prevailing world prices and their dynamics over the past five years. Methods. The calculations were carried out by the methods of statistical analysis according to Russian and international official Internet resources. Scientific novelty. The work made it possible to form a list of types of hops and hop products, which are the most important goods imported into Russia and constitute the main burden of foreign hop supplies in domestic imports; to determine the price difference between the importation of products from abroad to Russia and the average prices for their sale in international markets by country, which became the beginning of forecasting potential new suppliers of products. Results. The global hop growing market is mostly represented by crushed and pelleted hop cones (according to 2021 data, they accounted for 60.6 % of the total structure of world exports). It is this product that is predominant in the import of hops in Russia (73.8 % of imports according to data for 2021). The main exporters of these products to Russia were such countries as Germany (64.2 % of Russian imports), Belarus (13.5 %) and the USA (10.5 %). Imported products from the USA were the most expensive for Russia - $24,927/t, shipments from Belarus were the cheapest - $3,563/t. At the same time, shipping prices from the US to Russia are 26 % higher than the average prices for all US exports ($19,821/t). Germany exported products to Russia at a price of USD 10,749/t, which is 7.3 % lower than the average prices of all shipments in the country. Prices for hops from China (6,890 USD/t) and Poland (7,817 USD/t) for Russia are also noticeably lower compared to the cost of shipments of products by counterparties in other countries.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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