1. Institute of Computational Modelling RAS SB
Abstract. Purpose. The study is aimed at providing operational monitoring of agricultural crops using satellite data. Data on the spectral-reflective properties of agricultural crops and climatic characteristics that reflect the state of agricultural crops are considered on the example of Kuraginskoye Agricultural Experiment Production Facility (AEPF), located in the south of the Krasnoyarsk krai. Methodology and methods. Based on satellite data, the values of the average daily temperature of the land surface, the sum of daily precipitation, thematic maps and the average values of the NDVI, ClGreen, and MSAVI2 vegetation indices were obtained. Satellite data from Sentinel-2, Terra MODIS and IMERG GPM Precipitation were used as sources of Earth remote sensing data. The initial satellite information was processed using the QGIS software. As a result, satellite data were selected from open sources, methods for their processing were compiled, and an archive of data for the growing seasons from 2015 to 2022 was formed. Operational monitoring using satellite data makes it possible to identify the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of vegetation cover, track the dynamics of temperatures and the amount of precipitation during the growing season, thereby contributing to a comprehensive assessment of the state of all agricultural crops in general and individually for each field. Scientific novelty. The technology of processing Sentinel-2, Terra MODIS (MOD11), GPM (IMERG) data and obtaining their derived products based on the QGIS geoinformation system in automated mode for agricultural monitoring tasks has been developed. Practical significance. Data sets on vegetation indices, temperature and precipitation have been formed, which are of great practical importance for making effective management decisions on the territory of the Kuraginskoye AEPF.
Urals State Agrarian University
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science
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