Test results of new semi-lamb tomato varieties in the conditions of the Terek-Sulak lowland of the Republic of Dagestan


Akhmedova Patimat


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study the collection and breeding material of tomatoes with a determinant bush type in open ground conditions, and to identify the best samples based on the results of the research on economically valuable traits for their further use in tomato breeding. Scientific novelty. Recent events in the country show the need to study and recommend domestic tomato varieties and hybrids in safe and risky farming zones. The article presents a brief description of new domestic tomato varieties with a short growing season. Samples of morphological and biometric indicators for the source material of tomato breeding were selected. Varieties with short interphase periods “shoots –flowering”, “flowering – ripening” were identified. On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of early maturity, economically valuable characteristics and tasting evaluation of fruits, promising varieties were noted for recommendation and implementation in the production of the lowland and foothill parts of Dagestan. Methods. Field and laboratory. The method for the study was 8 new semi-stamp cultivars of VNIISSOK selection. Descriptions of tomato plants were carried out taking into account morphological (stem height, number of shoots, number of leaves, number of brushes, number of ovaries and fruits), agrochemical and complex of economically valuable characteristics (total and early yield, marketability of fruits, fruit weight, dry matter, sugar, fruit tasting evaluation). Results. According to the maturation dates, the samples were divided into three groups: very early – Severyanka, Blagodatnyy, Magnat, Voskhod VNIISSOKa (97–100 days); early – Patris, Viking, Perst (102–105 days); middle-early – Sodruzhestvo, Fakel (111–114 days). According to the type of bush, we have identified 5 ordinary and semi-lamb samples with a height of no more than 78 cm. Two samples had a height of 50.53 cm (Patris, Perst) and an average fetal weight of 72 and 60 g. Three samples had a height of 70, 71, 72 cm (Voskhod VNIISSOKa, Blagodatnyy, Sodruzhestvo) and an average fetal weight of 107, 110, 130 g respectively. According to the output of gross output, the best indicators were of the following varieties: Blagodatnyy – 86.3 t/ha, Voskhod VNIISSOKa – 82.7 t/ha, Sodruzhestvo – 77.6 t/ha, Patris – 68.2 t/ha. The following grades had a high yield of marketable products: Voskhod VNIISSOKa, Patris – 92 %, Blagodatnyy – 91 %, Perst – 90 %.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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