Bioenergetic assessment of eggplant seed production


Gulin Aleksandr,Kigashpaeva Ol'ga,Machulkina Vera


Abstract. The aim of work is to determine the bioenergy efficiency of eggplant seed production depending on the variety. Research methodology. In conducting this work we consider the costs: for live labor from growing seedlings to obtaining the finished product; for electricity; energy costs agricultural units and transport. The fruits of eggplant varieties of VNIIOOB - branch of FGBNU "PAFSC RAS" Panthera, Astrakom, Black cylinder, Matrosik in compare with the control variety Albatross were used. The work on cultivation was carried out according to technology generally accepted for Astrakhan region. Research results. The results of the work can be concluded: the highest yield of seeds was noted in the variety Matrosik 712.4 kg/ha, which is 1.1 times higher than the control; in other varieties it is lower than the control by 199.0-281.2 kg/ha. The yield energy efficiency ranged from 100 083.45 MJ/ha (variety Panthera) to 144335.23 MJ/ha (variety Albatross), other varieties occupied an intermediate position. Total yield energy inputs ranged from 32 836.2 MJ/ha to 51 312.1 MJ/ha, with an energy efficiency coefficient of 2.8–3.0 units. The energy efficiency coefficient of seed production at was 1.42–1.67 units. Scientific novelty. For the first time the bioenergetic estimation of eggplant seeds produced by the VNIIOOB, the minimum costs depending on the variety were found that is important for providing the agricultural producers with pure sort seeds of high quality produced in our country. It determined that bioenergetic technology of growing, harvesting and separating seeds are properly selected varieties with high standard yields and good seed yields.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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