In vitro clonal micropropagation of Astragalus gorodkovii Jurtz., Astragalus gorczakovsky L. Vassil.


Filippov Evgeniy1


1. Botanicheskiy sad UrO RAN


Abstract. Microclonal propagation of rare plant species solves the problem of biodiversity conservation, because received explants can be introduced into natural conditions to maintain the stability of plant communities. The purpose of the research was to obtain in vitro cultures of rare species of plants from Fabaceae family: Astragalus gorodkovii and Astragalus gorczakovskii. Materials and methods: seeds of Astragalus gorodkovii were selected from the population of Komi Republic in 2004. Seeds of Astragalus gorczakovskii were collected in 2019 in Perm region and Sverdlovsk region. After sterilization and scarification, the seeds were placed on a hormone-free Murashige-Skoog medium. The resulting seedlings were placed on the medium in 4 variants of the concentration of phytohormones BAP and NAA, germinated at room temperature and 16-hour light day. Then the resulting explants were transplanted onto the medium in 9 variants of the concentrations of hormones. The results. 1.5–2 months can be considered as the optimal period for division and transplantation. Variants of the medium containing 0.5–1 mg/l of BAP and a smaller amount of NAA turned out to be the best for the reproduction of A. gorodkovii and A. gorczakovskii, because active branching of seedlings was observed without verification. A. gorodkovii showed the most active growth. The originality of this research is in the selection of the optimal medium composition for the germination of seeds of rare species A. gorodkovii and A. gorczakovskii. This biotechnological method is a tool for preserving the genetic diversity of plant communities of the Ural flora.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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