Intraspecific crosses of selected biotypes of the Ulmus and Populus genera to obtain heterotic breeding forms


Kryuchkov Sergey1,Solomenceva Aleksandra,Romanenko Almagul'


1. Federal'nyy nauchnyy centr agroekologii, kompleksnyh melioraciy i zaschitnogo lesorazvedeniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk


Abstract. The purpose of the study is hybridization and breeding of tree species resistant to environmental conditions in conditions of desertification. Research methodology included the study of the growth, condition and durability of forms and hybrids, the identification of biological properties (drought, salt and frost resistance), the quality of trunks and decorativeness, the selection of parent pairs for crossing; the development of crossing techniques on cut branches. The order of work consisted of harvesting plant catkins, collecting pollen and cleaning it from impurities, harvesting branches and pollen, determining the viability of pollen, applying it to the mature stigma of the plant. The flowers of the ilmovs are bisexual, as a result of which they were castrated during crosses. Results. Parental pairs were selected and hybridization was carried out among the following breeds: Ulmus carpinifolia, Ulmus laevis, Ulmus pumila, Populus alba, Populus alba × Populus alba v. Populus piramidalis, Populus deltoides, Populus bolleana, Populus berolinensis, Populus nivea × Populus tremula, Populus nigra piramidalis. Hybrid seedlings were obtained between different types of elms and between different types of poplars. The variant of crossing the white poplar Pervenets Uzbekistana with the Bolle F. pyramidal poplar (FGUP “Volgogradskoe”) showed the best results. Scientific novelty lies in the selection of breeding material resistant to various stress factors. Selection of initial and promising varieties of tree crops for further use in breeding, introduction, competitive and production tests.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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