To the question of evaluating the efficiency of linear breeding in Simmental cattle breed different origin


Ignat'eva L.,Konte A.,Sermyagin A.


Abstract. The purpose of the research – to study the impact of related foreign pedigree resources on the Russian population of Simmental cattle. Research Methods. Studies carried out on cows of Simmental breed of different linear origin and genotypes in five regions of Russian Federation: Voronezh, Oryol, Kursk, Belgorod regions and Altayskiy krai, the total number was 35147 cows. EBV estimates were calculated through RENUMF 90, REMLF 90 and BLUPF 90 programs. Evaluation of the components of the variants of genetic and paratypical nature was carried out using the method restricted maximum likelihood – REML. Results. It is established that the largest share for animals foreign origin are 60.7 %, including German-Austrian bloodlines 46.6 % and Holsteins – 14.1 %. 39.3 % of animals are the Russian origin, which 13.5 % representatives of German-Austrian bloodlines, 17.8 % are Holsteins and 8.0 % are from domestic (Russian) bloodlines. In the general population of Simmental breed, the best productivity was shown by cows of German-Austrian bloodlines at the level of 5351 kg of milk with fat percentage 4.00 % and protein percentage 3.19 %. Representatives of German-Austrian bloodlines origin for milk yield showed the estimated breeding value (EBV) for Simmental bulls in the common population by +9.2 kg and fat percentage by +0.012 %. The negative EBV values were obtained for Russian bloodlines by –22.8 kg, and Holstein bloodlines took an intermediate position among all lines (+2.3 kg). The first calving cows, which were in the herd at the time of research, the best milk production traits were found in individuals of foreign origin, both for Holstein (6096 kg of milk with a fat content of 3.96 % and protein 3.23 %), and German-Austrian bloodlines (milk yield 5763 kg, fat 4.04 % and protein 3.19 %), with high estimates of breeding value for milk yield +33.3 kg and +15.2 kg, respectively. Low values of milk productivity among all evaluated animals were observed for animals of Russian bloodlines by 4469 kg milk 3.87 % fat and 3.20 % protein in milk. The first calving cows of Russian origin in foreign bloodlines origin exceeded their peers in Russian Simmental bloodlines in milk production by +608 kg of milk and +0.15 % fat (signed to German-Austrian bloodlines) and +924 kg and +0.06 % fat (signed to Holstein bloodlines). The average values of EBV in these lines, although had low values by –5.6 kg milk for Holstein and by +2.7 kg milk for German-Austrian bloodlines, but was significantly higher than for Russian lines by –12.7 kg milk. Scientific novelty. For the first time, scientific research aimed at improving the system of prediction to breeding abilities of bulls on dairy productivity of daughters based on optimization structure of equations of the mixed model (BLUP, the best linear unbiased prediction) has been carried out for the population Simmental cattle of Russian Federation.


Urals State Agrarian University

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