Some economic aspects of forming a machine system in flax industry


Kulov Aslan,Velikanova Irina1


1. Federal Scientific Center for Luban Cultures


Abstract. The main goal of our research is to consider the main economic factors that prevent the introduction of advanced technologies and to justify the need to change the state's approaches to supporting investment processes for the formation of advanced machine systems in flax industry, including on the basis of automation and digitalization of process management. Methods. In the work, based on the using of a wide range of analytical methods for studying economic phenomena in the flax growing industry, the using of computational-constructive and abstract-logical methods, using computational-constructive and abstract-logical methods, system analysis, recommendations were developed for the implementation of state support measures focused primarily on the complex system of machines in agriculture, independently of the financial and economic condition of economic entities. Results. The article shows that the complex mechanization of flax production is hindered both by the remaining insufficient level of financial and economic opportunities of commodity producers, and by the imperfection of state support. According to the analysis of data from the electronic information-analytical system, it was revealed that only 34 % of the flax producers examined in 2018 were profitable, whose revenue exceeded 10 million rubles. It was revealed that the limited ability to update the main links and elements of the machine system leads to significant economic losses during the cultivation of flax, due to non-compliance with the execution of technological operations in the optimal time. Scientific novelty. The article presents the idea of the need, based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Center for Agricultural Consulting on the formation and use of specialized resource-saving technologies for cultivating flax for fiber and seeds, to expand the scope of government support measures for flax-growing farms not only to financially sustainable enterprises. The article substantiates the general need for investments for the use of advanced machine systems in the combined technology of cultivation, harvesting and primary processing of flax in the amount of more than 114 million rubles per 1000 hectares of sown area of flax.


Urals State Agrarian University

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