1. Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of Ural branch of Russian Academy of Science
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the timing and depth of planting potatoes on the photosynthetic productivity, yield and quality of tubers of varieties of different ripening in the forest-steppe zone of the Chelyabinsk region. Research methods. The setting of field experience, analysis and generalization of research results are performed in accordance with classical methods. Results. The optimal time and depth of potato planting in the Chelyabinsk region was established – planting May 12–15 to a depth of 5–6 cm. This combination of agricultural methods provides the greatest photosynthetic potential (Rozara – 3.49 million m2/day, Kuzovok – 4.66 million m2/day), effective assimilation of photosynthetically active radiation (FAR assimilation coefficient: Rozara variety – 3.4 %, body weight – 3.6 %), high yield (Rozara – 35.4 t/ha, body weight – 38.3 t/ha) and the quality of potato tubers (starchiness of Rozara tubers – 16.8 %, Kuzovok – 15.84 %, starch collection per unit area 6.10 and 6.28 t/ha respectively). The late planting period (June 5–12) reduced the photosynthetic potential (Rozara varieties – by 18.7 %, Kuzovok – by 23.6 %) and the FAR coefficient (Rozara – to 2.5–2.6 %, Kuzovok – to 3.0 %). As a result, there was a decrease in the yield of the Rozara variety by 5.1–8.1 t/ha, Kuzovok – by 7.1–7.2 t/ha depending on the depth of planting and a deterioration in the quality of tubers. The dry matter content in late-planted tubers of the Rozara variety decreased by an average of 2.7 %, starch – by 2.29 %, and in the Kuzovok variety – by 2.9 and 1.83 % compared with planting in the second decade of May (accumulation nitrates in tubers increased 2.06 and 2.48 times, respectively). Planting to a depth of 5–6 cm provided an advantage in the second decade of May, and to a depth of 10–12 cm – when planting potatoes in the third decade of May and early June. Scientific novelty. In the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Chelyabinsk region, the dependence of the planting depth on the potato planting period is revealed. When planting at the optimum time (May 12–15), the best results are provided by a planting depth of 5–6 cm, while in the third decade of May and early June, the potato planting depth should be increased to 10–12 cm.
Urals State Agrarian University
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