Study of the effect of the drug “Primalact” on the organism and mammary gland of lactating cows


Bryukhova I.,Klimov N.,Khokhlova N.,Chaplygina Yu.


Abstract. The problem of prevention and treatment of mammary gland diseases in cows does not lose its relevance at the present time. Therefore, the veterinary pharmacologists face the task of developing new drugs to combat mastitis, which have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and minimal side effects. The propose of the study was to assess the effect of the complex antibacterial drug “Primalact” on the clinical status, morphological and biochemical blood indicators of lactating cows and the detection of irritating effect on the mammary gland tissue. Methodology and methods. After intracisternal administration of “Primalact” at therapeutic (5 ml) and three-fold therapeutic (15 ml) doses, the general clinical condition of the animals and the state of the mammary gland tissues were analyzed, the change in the qualitative indicators of the udder secretion by the content of somatic cells and in the reaction with Masttest was evaluated. The results obtained during the experiment were statistically processed. Results. Examination data showed the absence of significant changes in the clinical condition of experimental animals and mammary gland tissue 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after the use of “Primalact”. The results of blood morpho-biochemical analysis indicate the absence of significant changes in 72 hours. The reaction of the udder secretion with Masttest and the analysis of the content of somatic cells in milk of animals of both groups revealed the presence of a slightly irritating effect in the studied drug, terminating to 72 hours after application. According to the data of R. Miller (1977), drugs for intracisternal administration, which cause slight irritation of mammary gland tissue for a period of not more than 96 hours, are suitable for the treatment of mastitis in cows.


Urals State Agrarian University

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