The influence of genetic and paratypical factors on the meat productivity of domesticated reindeer


Yuzhakov Aleksandr,Layshev Kasim,Zabrodin Vasiliy


Abstract. Purpose. Study of various factors that determine quantitative and qualitative indicators of meat productivity of reindeer. Methods. The results are based on analytical, statistical, expert methods and the authors own research. Results. The analysis of the breed characteristics of live and slaughtered mass of deer, slaughter yield shows that the increase in production of venison to a certain extent depends on the rational allocation of genetic resources of reindeer. As practice shows, the main method of breeding in reindeer husbandry should be considered outbreeding. The limited use of interbreeding in reindeer husbandry is explained both by the complex and expensive logistics of transporting reindeer between regions, and by the problems of adapting induced animals to local natural and climatic conditions. Of the paratypical factors, natural and climatic ones are the determining ones. During the snow-free period, the main feeding of reindeer is based on intensive consumption of green food: leaves and the end of the snow period, the live weight of an adult deer may decrease by 20 % from the autumn indicators. Particularly noteworthy is the impact of veterinary and preventive measures on the meat productivity of reindeer. early chemotherapy of gadfly infestations increases meat productivity by 6-7 kg per 1 head. Scientific novelty. Found that the most important genetic factor for the indices of meat productivity is the breed, climatic factors are decisive, starting with fetal development and throughout postnatal development of the deer, the decrease in physiological status of the animal, the defeat of the deer disease has a negative effect on live weight, meat productivity. The results of the research can be used in the technology of reindeer husbandry in order to increase the meat productivity of animals.


Urals State Agrarian University

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