Agricultural credit consumer cooperation in the Ural region: current state, development measures


Mokronosov Aleksandr1,Anisimov Anton,Anisimova Marina


1. Ural State Agrarian University


Abstract. The study of regional aspects of the development of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives (ACCC) is an urgent agenda for the growth of the agricultural economy, ensuring the availability of financial services in rural areas. The purpose of the study is to assess the current state of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives in the Ural region. Methods. A systematic approach was applied using economic, statistical and analytical methods. The theoretical basis of the study was the publications of modern domestic and foreign scientists on the economic, institutional aspects of the formation, functioning and development of agricultural credit consumer cooperatives. Results. The dynamics of development of the Ural regional sector of the agricultural credit consumer cooperation industry is considered. The peculiarities of the ACCC of the Urals are noted, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are identified, in which the highest rates of reduction in the number of ACCC are observed. Barriers to the development of the cooperation industry in the Ural region are outlined. The role of regional government bodies in supporting the Ural ACCC in the framework of the implementation of state programs for the development of agro-industrial complexes is revealed, the areas of concentration of the largest ACCC are identified. The assessment of the market strategy of the Ural ACCC in the modern conditions of activity restrictions is given. The paper notes that the determining factor in the formation of a single mechanism for the implementation of the state policy of the industry in the regions is the development of regional target programs for the development of cooperation, representing a set of planned activities, interrelated in terms of tasks, timing of implementation, executors and resources. The directions for supporting the industry were noted, including measures to deregulate the activities of the ACCC. The theoretical significance of the study is the development of approaches to a set of measures for the development of the ACCC. The practical significance of the study lies in the formation of possible future studies of the management of the ACCC in the conditions of remote channels for the provision of financial services, expanding their range. Scientific novelty. Substantiated measures that allow to form a modern system of agricultural consumer credit cooperation in the regions.


Urals State Agrarian University

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