An effective method for managing the production process of grapes using foliar nutrition in arid conditions of the North-Western Caspian


Polukhina Elena1,Vlasenko M.2


1. Caspian Agrarian Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Federal'nyy nauchnyy centr agroekologii, kompleksnyh melioraciy i zaschitnogo lesorazvedeniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk


Abstract. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The research area is relevant due to the fact that in viticulture the use of new water-soluble complex fertilizers in chelated form is not yet widespread due to their insufficient knowledge. In this regard, it became necessary to determine their influence on the basic vital processes of grape plants in arid conditions. The purpose of the research is to identify the effect of foliar nutrition by “Plantafol” and “Boroplus” fertilizers on economically valuable grape indicators in the arid conditions of the North-Western Caspian during irrigation. Methods. Experience is two-factor. Factor A – varieties: Kodryanka (early ripe), Rizamat (mid-ripening), Moskovskiy (late ripening). Factor B: option 1 – control (water treatment); option 2 – “Plantafol;” option 3 – “Boroplus”; option 4 – “Plantafol” + “Boroplus”. The experience was laid and statistical data processing was carried out according to the method of B. A. Dospekhov. The counts and observations were carried out according to the method of M. A. Lazarevskiy. The mass fraction of sugars and titratable acidity in the juice of berries was found by the method of biochemical study of plants A. I. Ermakova. The content of vitamin C in grapes was determined by the guidelines for determining the quality of plant products. Results. The maximum yield increase for all varieties was provided by the combined use of “Plantafol” and “Boroplus” fertilizers. The variety Kodryanka has 6.6 t/ha for control. The variety Rizamat has 6.7 t/ha for control. Foliar top dressing contributed to a significant increase in the mass fraction of sugars in all varieties. The use of “Boroplus” in its pure form and together with “Plantafol” positively affected the vitamin C content in berries. The sugar acid index of the varieties “Rizamat” (29.8) and Moskovskiy (28.1) had optimal values for the variant without the use of fertilizers, and the varieties Kodryanka (25.3) – for the variant with their combined use.


Urals State Agrarian University

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