Influence of vegetation treatment with growth stimulants and protection agents on seed productivity of meadow fescue Nadezhda


TORMOZIN M1,Belyaev A.2,Tiholaz E.2


1. Ural Research Institute of Agriculture - branch of FSBNU UrFANITS UrO RAS

2. FSBNU "Ural NIIS"


Abstract. The article provides information about the yield, development of leaf-stem diseases, as well as the biological effectiveness of drugs on meadow fescue crops. The purpose of research is to study the influence of protective agents and growth stimulants that provide the most complete realization of the potential of seed productivity of meadow fescue. After applying protection products, crop structure for 2018–2019 Treatment of plants for vegetation in the phase of entering the tube – the beginning of earing, the following drugs were used: “Fitolavin” – 1.5 l/ha; “Lariksin” – 50 g/ha; “Kolosal’ Pro” – 0.5 l/ha; “Strekar” – 1.5 l/ha; “Fitolavin” – 1.5 l/ha + “Kolosal’ Pro” – 0.5 l/ha. Research methodology and methods. The experience consists of 18 plots. The total area of one plot is 42 m2, the accounting area of one plot is 28 m2. Plots are placed – blockwise, repetitions are rendomized, the repetition is 3-fold. Observations and studies were conducted according to the generally accepted methodology. Meteorological conditions in 2018–2019 significantly varied from the long-term average. The hydrothermal coefficient (GTC) for the growing season in 2018 was 1.4; in 2019, it was 1.77, which is higher than the long – term average (1.57). Results. The development of the disease on average for all tiers of leaves for two years (2018–2019) in the control was 23.7 %, the prevalence – 67.5 %. In the variants with fungicides and biologics, the development and prevalence of leaf-stem diseases ranged from 9.4 to 17.4 % and from 32.4 to 56.5 %, respectively. The use of plant protection products led to a decrease in the development of diseases by 1.4–2.5 times (by 6.3–14.3 %), and the prevalence – by 1.2–2.1 times (by 11.0–35.1 %).The biological effectiveness of plant protection products ranged from 26.6 to 60.3 %. The applied preparations on average for two years of research provided a reliable increase in seed yield from 0.11 to 0.26 t/ha (from 32 to 76 %). Scientific novelty. The increase in seed productivity according to two-year data (2018–2019) was obtained due to a significant increase in all components of the yield structure.


Urals State Agrarian University

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