Relationship between the development of internal organs in young sheep and biochemical parameters of blood serum


Pashteckaya A.,Marynich A.,Ostapchuk Pavel1,Emelyanov Sergey A2


1. Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea

2. Stavropol State Agrarian University


Abstract. The feeding factor is an important condition in ensuring the normal life of the sheep. Any external abnormalities cause metabolic stress, the parameters of the biochemical profile change, and the analysis of the development of internal organs in sheep in the post-embryonic period is of great scientific interest, since the absolute mass of organs increases during ontogenesis. Any external abnormalities cause metabolic stress. The parameters of the blood's biochemical profile change. Analysis of the development of internal organs in sheep in the post-embryonic period is of great scientific interest. This is because the mass of organs increases during ontogenesis. Purpose of research. To study the results of the influence of biochemical parameters of blood serum in young sheep on the formation of internal organs against the background of liposomal form of antioxidants with the inclusion of iodine. The research methods. The control group of young animal (rams) received the basic diet (BD). The experimental group received the BD with the addition of antioxidants in liposomal form with organic iodine content at the rate of 5 grams per head. The biochemical parameters of blood serum, the development of internal organs of young sheep and the correlation relationship of the obtained indicators were determined. Results research. Liver and pancreatic enzymes have a significant advantage in animals of the experimental group by 11.5–25.1 % (p ≤ 0.01). The significant advantages for renal enzymes were observed in experimental animals by 10.7 % (p ≤ 0.05) was stated. The total thyroxine content in young animals of the experimental group increases by 5.3 % (p ≤ 0.05). Organs of the gastrointestinal tract were characterized by increased weight. The relationship between the development of internal organs and serum enzymes were enhanced between hepatic and renal enzymes in connection with the development of digestive organs in young animals of experimental groups. The novelty. The liposomal form of antioxidants allows selective delivery of vital compounds to tissues in optimal concentrations. The effectiveness of its use in sheep farming has not been studied, and in connection with the prospect of increasing the production of lamb in the Republic of Crimea, the issue of obtaining environmentally friendly products with minimal use of veterinary drugs and chemical-based feed additives becomes urgent. Thus, the use of antioxidants in liposomal form is a significant step towards achieving this mission.


Urals State Agrarian University

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