Investigate of the potential for diversification of the socio-economic ecosystem of the territory (on the example of the Kondinskiy Area of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra)


Starikov Evgeny


Abstract. The federal and administrative-territorial structure that has developed in Russia, institutional relations, as well as the methodology and instruments of strategic planning predetermine the significant role of municipalities in the preparation and implementation of strategies for socio-economic development. In this regard, the most important place in economic research is occupied by the problems associated with the development of mechanisms for the growth of the local economy and the formation of new effective models of territorial development. At the same time, taking into account the historical trend of monospecialization of the country's municipalities, the issues of investigating the potential for diversification of the markets of socio-economic ecosystems at the municipal level are of particular importance. The purpose of the work is to investigate and assess the development potential of markets for diversification of the territorial ecosystem of the municipal level. The object of the research is the territorial, socio-economic ecosystem of the Kondinsky Area of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Methodology and methods. The work used a set of scientific methods, the main of which is the method of expert assessment. In addition, the methodological toolkit of SWOT-analysis and forecasting was applied. Results. Taking into account the typicality of the chosen object of research, a significant result of the work is the approbation of the author's methodology, which can be used in the future to investigate the potential for diversification of the markets of municipal ecosystems in almost all regions of Russia. Also it was established that the main markets for diversification of the territorial ecosystem of the Kondinsky Area are new markets for the forestry business, formed on the basis of the development of small and medium-sized forms of management, the development of oil and gas fields with hard-to-recover reserves of raw materials based on the introduction of new technologies for oil and gas processing and petrochemical chemistry, as well as new agro-industrial markets, including animal husbandry, fish processing, collection and processing of wild plants. Scientific novelty. The analysis of approaches to the study of the concept of «ecosystem» is carried out. The markets for diversification of the socio-economic ecosystem of the Kondinsky Area were identified and the forecast of key indicators of the development of industrial markets for the period up to 2030 was carried out. Recommendations for local governments to improve the efficiency of realizing the potential of diversification markets are proposed.


Urals State Agrarian University

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