Involvement in the organized market of such forms of self employment in rural areas as personal subsidiary farms of citizens


Kot Ekaterina1,Zyryanova Tat'yana1,Zyryanov Sergey1


1. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


Abstract. Within the framework of a set of measures for the implementation of the national project on small and medium-sized enterprises and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on national goals and strategic development tasks, the importance of involving citizens in independent production activities is reflected. In this regard, Federal Law No. 422-FL of 27 November 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the Law) initiated a tax experiment to establish a new special tax regime “Tax on Professional Income” (hereinafter referred to as the TPI). The purpose of the study is to determine the economic impact of the new tool on the involvement in economic turnover of such a form of self-employment in rural areas as personal subsidiary farms of citizens. Tasks: 1) using the deductive method of theoretical research to analyze the effect of the experiment on the application of the new special tax regime on the territory of Russia; 2) to consider in practical situations the options for applying the TPI for self-employed citizens; 3) systematize data on the calculation of naps in the form of a model that has theoretical and practical significance for the involvement of private subsidiary farms (hereinafter referred to as PSF) in an organized market. Research methods: deduction, axiomatic, analysis, synthesis, comparison, experiment, measurement. The scientific novelty and results is that according to the Law, a new target group is allocated – self-employed citizens who indicate services in different fields of activity. In agriculture, it is also necessary to direct the activities of PSF that sell their own products to an organized market. Results. In order to help improve financial literacy with the support of self-employed entrepreneurs, a comparative analysis of deductions for the calculation of professional income tax was conducted. Algorithms for calculating naps have been developed, which are the basis for considering practical situations. A model has been compiled that systematizes the procedure for applying the TPI for self-employed citizens.


Urals State Agrarian University

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