Assessment of the quality of meat and poultry raw materials using mineral adaptogen


Drozd M.1,Usevich V1


1. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


Abstract. The article presents the results of a comprehensive study on the effect of feed mineral additives on meat products in poultry farming. The purpose of the work is to analyze the effects of mineral adaptogen on the quality of meat and poultry products. Research methods. Research and production experience was carried out using generally accepted zootechnical, pathomorphological, histological, veterinary-sanitary and statistical research methods. Results of the study. The causes of bird death and pathological changes in organs and tissues during autopsy in the experimental and control groups are described. Describes the results of studies of veterinary-sanitary expertise of meat quality when conducting organoleptic evaluation of carcasses and offal, this sub-microscopic features of striated skeletal and cardiac muscle, studied the microstructure of cartilage in the femoral head and the microarchitecture of the liver as the main organ of metabolism and by-product. During histological studies, the structure of cells and tissues, when using mineral adaptogen, was more morphologically mature and was in a functionally active state, and in the control group, dystrophic and necrotic processes and areas with immature muscle fibers were observed. When comparing the lifetime indicators for increasing the live weight of broilers when feeding mineral adaptogen, the average daily weight gain increases, which is associated with a decrease in the toxic load and due to the receipt of micro- and macronutrients necessary for the growth and development of poultry. The safety of broiler livestock and the slaughter yield of meat increases. Minerals contribute to the proper development of the musculoskeletal system and the formation of cartilage tissue, which affects the quality of fattening, the bird can move and consume food. during the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat quality, the results confirming the high quality of meat products were also obtained. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the paper shows not only the effect on the clinical state of poultry during the fattening of Arbor Acres broilers, the safety of livestock, but also on the microstructure and maturity of meat and offal during the slaughter period.


Urals State Agrarian University

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