Assessment of inter-level interaction in the management of spatial and infrastructural development of rural areas in the region


KRASIL'NIKOVA L.1,Balandin Dmitriy A.2,Fedoseeva Svetlana


1. Permskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarno-tehnologicheskiy universitet im. akademika D. N. Pryanishnikova

2. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm branch


Abstract. The article is devoted to the urgent problem of improving the tools for assessing inter-level interaction in the management of spatial and infrastructural development of rural areas of the regions of the Russian Federation. At present, the tasks of state policy and the obligations of the Russian Federation in the global space predetermine the adherence to the principles of sustainable development, which declare the equality of economic, social and environmental directions. The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical provisions and methodological approaches that make it possible to assess the quality of integration processes in rural areas, as well as to develop a methodology for assessing inter-level interaction in managing the spatial and infrastructural development of agricultural territories in the region. Methods. The methodological basis of the article was formed by an integrated approach to the spatial and infrastructural development of rural areas, methods of theoretical analysis of infrastructural development, analytical interpretation of statistical data. The scientific novelty is the assessment toolkit of inter-level interaction developed by the authors in the management of spatial and infrastructural development of rural areas. Results. As a result of the study, using the example of the subjects of the Ural macroregion and the Perm Territory, the main problems of the development of rural areas in terms of production, social and environmental groups of indicators were established based on the application of an integral assessment. It is proposed to form inter-municipal territorial-economic systems for solving the problems of infrastructure development, consolidating the potentials and resources of possible joint activities for the implementation of the most urgent directions for the development of rural areas.


Urals State Agrarian University

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