1. Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of Ural branch of Russian Academy of Science
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to assess the Belarusian potato varieties in terms of adaptability, ecological plasticity and stability. To establish the possibility of their cultivation in the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region. Research methods. The assessment of the adaptive potential of potatoes was carried out according to the classical method presented by V. A. Zykin. Results. Allocated 21 adaptive varieties suitable for cultivation in the South Urals. Analysis of ecological plasticity and stability showed that these qualities are combined in Belarusian varieties: Briz (35.7 t/ha; bi = 0.86; Si2 = 7.4), Manifest (35.4 t/ha; 0.92; 7.8), Pershatsvet (34.4 t/ha; 1.20; 29.2), Palats (33.2 t/ha; 1.08; 25.8), in domestic varieties: Spiridon (32.1 t/ha; 1.04; 0.3) and Irbitskiy (33.1 t/ha; 0.81; 23.5), as well as in the Gala variety (38.4 t/ha; 0.98; 2.2) created in Germany. Genotypes of the intensive type include the Chelyabinsk varieties: Tarasov (40.3 t/ha; bi = 1.89) and Zakhar (38.0 t/ha; 1.28), the Belarusian variety Uladar (36.8 t/ha; 1.64) and foreign varieties: Koroleva Anna (45.9 t/ha; 1.61), Zekura (35.7/ha; 1.57) and Rozara (32.0 t/ha; 1.56). A group of varieties of a neutral type was identified, which weakly responds to changes in growing conditions: Kavaler (bi = 0.33), Kashtak (0.63), Amulet (0.65) and Kuzovok (0.77) of the Chelyabinsk selection and the variety Lad (0.73) and Yanka (0.73) of the Belarusian selection. The wide distribution of foreign varieties Koroleva Anna, Rozara and Zekura in agricultural enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region is explained by their high responsiveness to intensification of production, while the Gala variety combines ecological plasticity and stability. Scientific novelty. The assessment of the adaptive potential of potato varieties created in the Republic of Belarus made it possible to identify seven adaptive varieties suitable for cultivation in the South Urals. The Uladar variety belongs to the intensive type genotypes. Varieties Briz, Manifest, Pershatsvet and Palats combine high productivity, environmental plasticity and stability. Potato varieties Yanka and Lad react poorly to changing growing conditions.
Urals State Agrarian University
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