Digital technologies as a factor of innovative development of information support for an agricultural dairy production enterprise management




1. Permskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarno-tehnologicheskiy universitet im. akademika D. N. Pryanishnikova


Abstract. The paper focuses on the special role of the use of digital devices and digital technologies in the development of information support for the management of dairy production within the framework of an integrated automated management system for agricultural enterprises in a market economy. Currently, in the Russian agro-industrial complex the use of modern digital technologies in the organization and functioning of network information support for making appropriate decisions is a strategically important innovative factor in improving the efficiency of management of an agricultural enterprise, including the processing of raw cow's milk and the production of planned assortment of dairy products. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the theoretical foundations and provisions that allow identifying and classifying the unique properties of digital technologies, the use of which can significantly improve the efficiency of management of agricultural enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, as well as to develop an organizational and economic model of automated network formation of information support for the management of dairy production. Methods. The methodological basis of this article consists of system, complex, situational and computer approaches, methods of comparative economic analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, network interaction and principles of functioning of information management support. Results. As a result of the study, author suggests a conceptual approach to the use of digital technologies as the factor of innovative development information support of agricultural enterprise management in the agro-industrial complex for the production of dairy products based on the identified characteristic properties of digital technologies (manufacturability, functionality, flexibility, integrability, informativeness and minimality) that can generate, store, and instantly provide the necessary information for decision-making. Scientific novelty. During the study, the results obtained which are of scientific novelty in the application of digital technologies for the development of management information production of dairy products, in particular, the author defined the concept "digital technology" and developed the organizational-economic model of automatic network formation of information support for management of the production of dairy products, covering the network of specialists workplaces in the basic and supportive production and maintenance processes at an agricultural enterprise.


Urals State Agrarian University

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