Technical service in agro-industrial complex as a factor of sustainable development of the agrarian economy


Kruzhkova Tat'yana1,Ruschickaya Ol'ga1,Stozhko Konstantin1,Stozhko Dmitriy2


1. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet

2. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy ekonomicheskiy universitet,


Abstract. In conditions of macroeconomic instability and growing risks, the role of technical service in the work of agricultural enterprises is significantly increasing. There are qualitative changes in the functioning of technical services due to the transition to a new technological structure and the modern digital economy. The role and importance of technical and technological services is increasing at the present stage in connection with the transition from lean production - to the model of “fast-reacting production”. The article notes that the deterioration of the quality of the ecological environment, accelerated depreciation of fixed assets, the wear of which reaches 70 % or more, have a negative impact on the development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). The solution to these problems is based on the modernization of industries and the intensification of agricultural production, which is characterized by additional investment of labor and funds per unit of land area. In this area, a number of important problems related to the reorganization of maintenance, its financing, informatization, digitalization, etc., have become aggravated in recent years. The efficiency of the functioning of the agro-industrial complex largely depends on the solution of these problems at the present stage. The purpose of the study is to analyze and assess the current state of the field of technical and technological services for agricultural enterprises and the prospects for its further development. The most important condition for improving this block of the reproduction process in the agro-industrial complex is the increase in state funding and its effective targeted distribution in specific areas of innovative development. The results of the study are to identify the lack of inclusion of maintenance in the plans for innovation activities of agricultural enterprises, in connection with which recommendations are proposed to remedy the situation (creation of own technical and technological maps for the development of agricultural enterprises and the intellectualization of its material and technical services). Methods used: analysis and synthesis, comparison and observation. The scientific novelty is the analysis of indicative financial planning and a flexible system of targeted budgeting of production assignments for servicing agricultural enterprises.


Urals State Agrarian University

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