Trends and prospects for the development of the diversified agrarian economy of the region


Kriulina Elena,Oganyan Lusine1


1. North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Science Center


The article examines the regional aspects of the complexity of the agrarian economy. The purpose of the study is to gain new knowledge about the level and prospects of development of various categories of agricultural producers of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD) in the context of their contribution to the food supply of the country and the region. The research methodology included the use of various methods of abstract-logical, computational-constructive, economic-statistical, dialectical, analytical, monographic, graphic, etc. methods. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the features of the current stage of the development of the diversity of the agricultural sector of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District and substantiate the main directions for improving its effectiveness, taking into account the national specifics of the society of the region. Results. The trends of preservation and development of both large-scale agricultural production (Stavropol Krai) and small forms of management (most national republics) have been established. So, if in the Stavropol Krai the share of large business accounts for almost 70 %, then in the Republic of Dagestan – no more than 15 %. Households of the population dominate here (78 %). In the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, the share of peasant (farm) farms in the structure of agricultural production is more than 40 %. The factors determining the peculiarities of the agricultural sector of the region are investigated, a significant territorial and sectoral differentiation by categories of producers of the district is established. The necessity of developing a multi-layered economy is substantiated, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of each form of management, organizational and economic support measures from federal, regional and local authorities. The importance and prospects of the development of large-scale production and small entrepreneurship in agriculture are determined, taking into account their contribution to the food supply of the region. The necessity of selective state support for the realization of economic interests is argued.


Urals State Agrarian University

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