1. State Agricultural University of Northern Trans-Urals
2. Tyumenskaya gosudarstvennaya sel'skohozyaystvennaya akademiya
3. Federal'nyy issledovatel'skiy centr Vserossiyskiy institut geneticheskih resursov rasteniy imeni N. I. Vavilova
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to study samples of oilseed flax from the VIR collection, to identify the most promising for the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals. Methods. Field experiments, observations and records were carried out according to VIR methods. The fat content in the seeds of flax varieties was determined using an AMB-1006M NMR analyzer. Results. As a result of studying 31 samples of the oilseed flax collection, the most productive ones were identified: k-5831 VIR 1650 (265 g/m2), k-5579 Voronezhskiy 1308/138 (261 g/m2), k-8409 Kinel’skiy 2000 (248 g/m2), k-8799 Avgust (241 g/m2) from Russia; k-6056 Bakhmal’skiy 105 (243 g/m2) from Uzbekistan; k-8606 Omega (241 g/m2) from Canada; samples with a high mass of 1000 seeds: k-8218 Micael (8.84 g) from Canada; k-8799 Avgust (8.70 g); k-8158 Sokol (8.64); k-5831 VIR 1650 (8.61 g); k-5579 Voronezhskiy 1308/138 (8.42 g) from Russia; samples with a high oil content in seeds: k-8729 Ba Ya No. 12 (50.6 %) from China; k-8799 Avgust (49.2 %) from Russia; k-6056 Bakhmal’skiy 1056 (47.6 %) from Uzbekistan; k-8610 McBeth (46.8 %) from Canada; k-7964 Rucheek (46.7 %), k-5579 Voronezhskiy 1308/138 (46.7 %), k-8158 Sokol (46.6 %), k-6986 Sibirskiy-397 (46.6 %) from Russia. Promising for use in breeding programs when creating new varieties of oilseed flax in the region can be considered samples characterized by high and elevated indicators of such important economic characteristics as yield, weight of 1000 seeds and oil content in seeds: Voronezhskiy 1308/138, Avgust, VIR 1650, Sibirskiy-397 from Russia, Oliver from France.
Urals State Agrarian University
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