Chemiluminescent characteristics of peripheral blood under in vitro irradiation in the dose range of 100–500 mGy


Fedotova A1,Makarskaya G2


1. Krasnoyarskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet

2. FRC "Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS"


Abstract. Nowadays a lot of examinations are dedicated to determination of radiobiological effects under low doses of ionising radiation. It is known that ionising radiation in the cells of an organism increases generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The purpose of the work is to determine basic parameters of chemiluminescent kinetics of ROS in peripheral blood under in vitro radiation in the range of 100–500 mGy doses. The research will extend the knowledge of the impact degree of ionising radiation in low doses on organism tissue of farm animals. Scientific novelty is that the results of the research will allow to predict radiobiological effects of low doses in a multicellular organism. The research is included in practical and fundamental directions of radiobiology. Research methods. In vitro radiation of blood samples in the range of 100–500 mGy doses. The kinetics of generation of ROS is registered on 36-channel chemiluminometer 3604-PC. Results. The doses in the range of 100–300 mGy accelerated the time of the first peak of spontaneous and activated generation of radicals, under 500 mGy dose the formation of the first peak of spontaneous and activated generation of primary ROS decelerated. Under the impact of low absorbed doses maximum intensity of primary and secondary radicals generation decreased. The inhibition of primary radicals spontaneous production occurred under 100–300 mGy doses, the inhibition of antigen activated generation of primary ROS was under 400 mGy. The reduction of the amount of spontaneous secondary ROS was registered under 100 mGy dose. The decrease of antigen activated secondary radicals production occurred under 100–300 mGy doses. 500 mGy dose inhibited a reaction ability of blood cells to generate primary radicals. The external in vitro gamma radiation in the range of 100–500 mGy had a negative impact on peripheral blood cells showing an acceleration of chemiluminescent reaction as well as decrease of maximum intensity of the first peak of spontaneous and antigen activated primary and secondary radicals production. As a consequence, a decrease of the amount of primary and secondary radicals production was revealed.


Urals State Agrarian University

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