Russian meat and meat products market opportunities and limits under sanctions pressure


Yakovenko Nataliya Anatol'evna1,Ivanenko Irina Serafimovna1


1. Institution of Agricultural Problems of Russian Sciences Academy


Abstract. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to adapt the Russian food market and its individual segments to new global challenges to ensure the country's food security. The purpose of the scientific work is to study changes in the dynamics and structure of production and consumption of meat and meat products, to substantiate the directions for the development of individual segments of the meat and meat products market under the conditions of sanctions restrictions. Methods. General cognition methods such as abstract-logical, monographic methods, comparison methods, dynamic and structural analysis were used in the course of investigations. Results. Multidirectional trends in the development of individual segments of the meat products market have been identified. There is positive trend in production and consumption of poultry and pig meat. Opposite trends are in production and consumption of cattle meat. Multidirectional trends indicate different development models for meat product market segments. Excessive growth in poultry and pork production volumes could lead to a deterioration in the financial situation in the industries. Insufficient cattle meat production reduces the physical and economic food availability for households. In these conditions, agri-food policy must take into account the balanced development of food chains, justify the mechanisms of structural maneuver of resources and structural transformations, and specify targets in the field of import substitution. The scientific novelty of the study is substantiation of the directions for the development of various segments of the meat products market based on the identified trends and features of their functioning under sanctions restrictions.


Urals State Agrarian University

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