1. Arkticheskiy gosudarstvennyy agrotehnologicheskiy universitet
Abstract. Purpose: to study promising varieties of Callistephus chinensis the conditions of the cryolithozone. The article presents the results of the study of Callistephus chinensis L. of 12 different varieties in the sharply continental climate of Yakutia. Callistephus chinensis L. is an annual herbaceous, bright and beautifully flowering plant. But at the same time it has resistance, this is especially important in the conditions of the cryolithozone, where the choice of beautifully flowering plants is limited. Subject of research: seasonal development of Callistephus chinensis L. varieties in cryolithozone conditions. Callistephus is well suited for landscaping urban landscapes, due to their decorative nature, a variety of colors, resistance to many environmental factors and abundant flowering. The introduction of Callistephus chinensis L. species, as well as the breeding of cold-resistant varieties is one of the urgent problems of gardening in Central Yakutia. In the laboratory and in the greenhouses of the Arctic State Agrotechnological University, variety tests of Callistephus chinensis L. were conducted to identify the most adaptive varieties. Methods. Sowing was carried out with full-weight seeds with determination of germination energy and germination. The analyses were carried out in the State Administration “State Ministries Inspection” of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Different varieties of Callistephus chinensis L. were grown in a seedling way. Results. Seedling cultivation led to an elongation of the growing season and the duration of flowering, which ultimately made it possible to achieve a longer decorative effect; the ability of some varieties of Callistephus chinensis L. to withstand drought, resistance to adverse conditions, such varieties as Bal’fe khudozhestvennaya, Yabluneva, Mtsenskiy rubin, Berezka, Rubinovye zvezdy were revealed to be the most adaptive to gardening in Central Yakutia. Scientific novelty. In order to identify the most adaptive varieties in the conditions of the cryolithozone, variety tests of Callistephus chinensis L. were carried out.
Urals State Agrarian University
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