Rural pastures – the important food supply for animals of the individual sector


Лапенко Нина1,Lapenko Nina2,Оганян Лусине3,Oganyan Lusine4


1. ФГБНУ Ставропольский НИИСХ

2. Stavropol scientific research institute of agriculture

3. Северо-Кавказский федеральный научный аграрный центр

4. Severo-Kavkazskiy federal'nyy nauchnyy agrarnyy centr


Abstract. The work purpose – to get information about the modern state of natural lands (rural pastures) which a cattle and sheep of individual sector are based on and to offer measures on renewal and maintainance of natural vegetation. Technique and objects of a research. The statistical analysis in dynamics of number of cattle and sheep, including on categories of farms is made. The geobotanical description of the vegetation is carried out on registration platforms of 100 m² to the O. Drude’s system. Determination of biological productivity of a vegetable cover was carried out by a hay crop in the same place (from 0.5 m² in sixfold frequency). The objects of our research are the village pastures. Results and practical importance. The analysis of a livestock of animals on categories of farms of Stavropol region is shown. For the last 18 years population in an individual sector, including peasant (farmer) farms and farms of the population increased by 1.6 times. Within the studied communities vegetation modifications with the dominating plant species are revealed: Achillea setacea, Artemisia austriaca, Poa bulbosa, etc. They are spatially unhomogeneous, on specific composition poor. The quantity of types on the registration square (100 m²) averages 24, with fluctuations from 17 to 28. An assessment of fodder potential of natural grass stand degradaded, extents of their degradation is given. Grass stand degradaded, has poor quality of a forage. In its structure up to 74 % of the not virgin land species which do not have feeding value: Artemisia austriaca, Convolvulus arvense, Erodium cicutarium, etc. Scientific novelty. Negative consequences of unsystematic pasturage of the cattle on the limited area of the rural pastures which are under authority of municipal units are shown. Restoration of the degradaded areas of rural pastures by method of agrosteppes is recommended. In its basis – use of seeds of wild-growing steppe herbs.


Urals State Agrarian University

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