Economic dynamics of agriculture: factors, management, strategy


Анохина Марина,Anokhina Marina


Abstract. This paper reveals the mechanism of modeling the management strategy for economic growth of agriculture using cognitive technologies. Purpose. The economic growth of agriculture as a weakly structured system needs to be managed. The aim of the study was to determine the content of managerial impacts on the processes of economic dynamics of agriculture in Russia. Methodology. The methodology of research is based on cognitive technologies of modeling strategic alternatives of economic dynamics in the industrial complex using fuzzy cognitive logic. Findings. Fuzzy cognitive map of factors of Russian agriculture economic growth, static and dynamic analysis of which allowed to produce forecasts of the dynamics in the agricultural sector at various managerial impacts were developed. The option of management strategy for economic growth of agriculture in Russia is proposed. Originality. It shows the use of the author’s concept of managing economic growth with a poorly structured system, which determines the need to use the basic and deterministic growth factors in the complex, taking into account the causal relationships between them, to achieve the target parameters of economic dynamics. The instrumental basis for substantiating theoretical developments was cognitive modeling of the processes of economic dynamics of agriculture in Russia.


Urals State Agrarian University

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