
Sheifer Yu. A., ,Gelberg I. S.,


Background. In destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, especially in the presence of drug resistance of mycobacteria, one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of therapy is the use of collapse therapeutic techniques in various modifications. Purpose of the study: to develop and substantiate an algorithm for complex treatment of destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, using artificial pneumothorax (AP). Material and methods: A cohort of 84 people with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis was formed. It was divided into two groups: 42 patients in the main group (chemotherapy (ChT) + AP) and 42 in the comparison group (ChT). Results: an algorithm for the treatment of patients with destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis was formulated. Within a period of up to 6 months, abacillation was achieved in 61.9% of cases in the main group (MG), and in 18.9% (p <0.05) in the comparison group (CG). By the 10th month of treatment, the closure of decay cavities was achieved in 78.7% of cases in the MG and in 42.8% (p <0.05) in the CG. By 12 months the closure of decay cavities was observed in 92.1 and 52.4% of cases respectively (p <0.05). Conclusions: The use of the algorithm for the complex treatment of destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis makes it possible to achieve abacillation at an earlier time (up to 6 months - in 61.9%). It also allows to increase the frequency of cavity closure by 39.6% as well as achieve an increase in clinical cure (according to long-term results of treatment) by 23.8% and a decrease in the amplification of drug resistance and mortality by 14.3% and 11.9% correspondingly.


Grodno State Medical University

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