1. Boivin, P., 2008. Fusariotoxins on malting barley from field to end products and by products. 5th EC Fusarium toxin forum, 10-11 January 2008, Brussels, Belgium. Available at: http://www.micotossine.it/public/pag_547.pdf. http://www.micotossine.it/public/pag_547.pdf
2. Brodal, G., Klemsdal, S., Elen, O. and Hofgaard, I., 2008. Mycotoxin situation in Norwegian cereals in recent years. 5th EC Fusarium toxin forum, 10-11 January 2008, Brussels, Belgium. Available at: http://www.micotossine.it/public/pag_553.pdf. http://www.micotossine.it/public/pag_553.pdf
3. Fusarium mycotoxin content of UK organic and conventional oats