1. Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
2. Universidad de la Sierra Juárez
3. Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
4. Compañía Forestal Vizcaya
5. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Aim of study: The physical characteristics and the chemical and energetic properties of bark and sawdust from a sawmill were determined, in order to identify their potential to be used for bioenergy purposes.
Area of study: The pine lignocellulosic residues were collected at the Forestal Viscaya company in Mexico.
Material and method: 50 kg of each biomass was collected as follows: bark samples were taken from the bark mill, and sawdust samples were taken from main saw, edger, trimmer, and the chipper machine. Moisture, granulometry, density, and chemical analyses were determined. The calorific value and tons of oil equivalent were also calculated.
Main results: The results indicate that the bark could be used to make briquettes, while the sawdust to make pellets. Particularly, the average calorific value varied from 16.55 to 23.78 MJ/kg for bark, while for sawdust the results varied from 19.49 to 21.04 MJ/kg. Using the most conservative model to estimate the calorific value, and taking into account the amount of bark and sawdust generated per year, it was determined that 2.265 equivalent tons of oil could be substituted.
Research highlights: The results show the potential of biomass for its possible energy use within the forestry company.
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