1. SIHE “Uzhgorod National University”, Uzhgorod
Summary. The use of materials based on bioglass and glass ceramics to replace bone lesions is a promising direction for the treatment of bone defects caused by traumas and tumor-like diseases. Objective. To analyze the results of ASZ-5 and FAR 5 bioglass application to replace long bone defects of traumatic and destructive origin. Materials and methods: the analysis of outcomes of 37 patients treated at the Orthopedics department of Andrew Novak Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Hospital from 2018 to 2020. To be included into the study, the patients should have bone defects of traumatic or destructive origin. The patients were divided into three groups. Surgical treatment of these patients included osteosynthesis and plastics of bone defects with ASZ-3 or FAR 5 bioglass. Results. To assess the results, we studied the outcomes of the 37 patients using a rating scale. The observation period covered 1 – 1.5 years after the surgery.43.24% patients demonstrated good results, 51.35% - satisfactory. The results of two patients (5.41%) were poor. Conclusions. The differentiated approach to the type of an implant to fill long bone defects of traumatic and tumor origin shall consider its mechanical, osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. In turn, it improves the results of treatment by stimulating a bone’s reparative osteogenesis, and assisting its function.
Pan-Ukrainian Association of Traumatology and Osteosynthesis
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