The initial risk assessment, especially when using a risk score system, is the main step in a risk assessment process that comes after determining the scope of the risks and assessment. The Fine-Kinney method, a thorough approach to quantitative assessments to help keep risks under control, is commonly used in risk assessment. A risk score (RS) is determined using the standard version of Fine-Kinney by mathematically multiplication of probability (P), exposure (E), and consequence (C) parameters. The Fine-Kinney-based risk evaluation approach has the disadvantage of not accounting for the relationships among the risk parameters' interaction and determining the risk precedence of work-related hazards. Hence, a new hazard evaluation method for occupational health and safety (OHS) is required to lessen the adverse effects of rising dangers. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for integrating Fine–Kinney-based occupational hazard evaluation and AHP-COPRAS for the energy distribution and investment sector under the Pythagorean fuzzy environment. A lifting equipment case study is used to demonstrate practicality and efficacy of the suggested integrated approach. To verify the novel method to risk assessment, a comparative study and sensitivity analysis are also provided. As a result, using the benefit of Pythagorean fuzzy sets, which more effectively express uncertainty, the integrated approach yields more logical conclusions for assessing work-related hazards in the energy distribution and investment sector.
Gazi University Journal of Science
Multidisciplinary,General Engineering
Reference40 articles.
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