Formes of metals in water and bottom sedimets of the Malaya Senga river (Vladimir region)


Drozdova O. Yu.1,Karpukhin M. M.1,Dumtsev S. V.1,Lapitsky S. A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


In the work the speciation of metals in the water and bottom sediments of the Malaya Senga River, located in the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region were studied. It is shown that all studied metals in the waters are predominantly in a dissolved form. At the same time, most of Fe, Cu, Cd and Pb in river waters are in the form of complexes with organic substances (which are mainly represented by their negatively charged compounds), and the main forms of occurrence of Ni and Zn are inorganic compounds and cationic complexes with low molecular weight organic ligands.In bottom sediments for the metals, the share of migratory forms of metals relative to the total contents is from 10 to 30%, while a significant part of them is represented by forms associated with iron and manganese hydroxides.


Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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